Putnam Bright Smile Dentistry, Dentist in Brewster, NY 10509

Invisalign Starting at $3,999 

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Call (845) 406-9834

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Take this 15-second survey to see if Invisalign is right for you! 

Invisalign Orthodontic Correction for Patients of Putnam County, New York 

We are very pleased to be able to offer our Putnam County patients Invisalign orthodontic correction for their smiles. Our patients of all ages love the more discreet appearance of these clear acrylic braces. 


These removable aligners eliminate the most common complaints associated with metal bracket and wire braces. At the same time, they get a spectacular result

How Does Invisalign Work? 

We start your care with a thorough consultation and examination to ensure your orthodontic needs can be met with this system. We then take detailed images of your smile and plan the exact changes that need to happen to correct the alignment of your teeth and improve your bite. 

 We send this information to the Invisalign technicians so they can 3D-print a series of clear aligners. You will start wearing aligner #1 for one to two weeks and then switch to the next one in the series. Week by week, you progress through the series of aligners. Gradually, your teeth move into their proper positions.

Some people think that Invisalign is only for crooked teeth, not for problems with overbite, underbite or crossbite. Actually, Invisalign can correct each of these problems, along with open bite. A mouth with baby teeth mixed with permanent teeth can also be treated with Invisalign. 

Invisalign vs Braces Pros and Cons 

There are mostly pros related to Invisalign treatment. That’s why we utilize this system whenever possible. Here is a list of Invisalign’s advantages: 

  • Removable 

    Aligners can be removed for special events, photos or speaking engagements.

  • No dietary restrictions 

     People with metal braces can’t eat chewy, sticky foods or anything that will get stuck in their braces. By contrast, Invisalign braces can be removed for meals. This enables Invisalign wearers to eat whatever they want.

  • Ease of Cleaning 

    Cleaning the teeth is a completely normal process with Invisalign. There’s no need to try to pick food out of metal braces. Invisalign aligners can simply be taken out so the teeth can be brushed and flossed.

  • Comfort 

    There are no wires or brackets to break or poke the patient.

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  • Fewer visits 

    Most Invisalign patients make fewer routine visits to the dentist’s office and there are no visits to repair broken wires or brackets.

  • No discoloration 

    Gluing metal brackets to the teeth can leave discolored areas when they are removed. Additionally, an inability to keep the teeth fully clean for a couple of years due to metal braces can also discolor the teeth. These problems are avoided with Invisalign.

In fact, there are only two Invisalign cons. There are a few cases that are better treated with conventional braces. Severely rotated teeth, for example, may not respond as well to Invisalign. The other con is that some individuals may not have the discipline to make sure they wear these aligners 20 to 22 hours each day. In this case, it might be better for the person to get conventional braces. 

 The vast majority of our patients receiving orthodontic treatment respond very well to treatment with Invisalign. The most important thing to know is that if your teeth are crooked or you have a poor alignment of your bite, you should look into receiving orthodontic care sooner rather than later. The longer your bite is off, the more your teeth are being stressed. The longer they are misaligned, the longer it will be difficult to clean them properly. A is also healthier and easier to take care of. 

Invisalign Reviews 

Our patients’ Invisalign reviews are very positive. Many patients were dreading metal braces before they found out they could be treated with Invisalign. New patients are routinely delighted that they don’t have to wear all those metal components in their mouths. And the flexibility of Invisalign—being able to remove them for photos, special events, cleaning and meals—makes life so much easier. 

Read More Reviews

"Dr. Rohit Patel was the only one out of SIX consultations who saw my complex case and told me it COULD be done with Invisalign; all the others told me it was impossible, and/or that it would require jaw realignment surgery, multiple extractions, and metal braces.  Dr. Patel is extremely knowledgeable, but also listens to his patients and works with you to come up with an honest and realistic plan. Highly recommended" 

Vickie P. 


How Long Does Invisalign Take? 

The length of time of treatment depends, of course, on the complexity of the orthodontic case. This is true for metal braces as well. Invisalign correction of a smile takes slightly less or about the same length of time as metal braces. This means you could be wearing these clear aligners for six to eighteen months. A complex case could take longer. 

Straighten Your Smile Today

Invisalign Cost 

A comparison of Invisalign cost to conventional braces reveals that the costs are usually quite similar. A simple case treated with conventional braces might be slightly less, but a more complex case treated with Invisalign might also be slightly less. 


We can provide a consultation for you on what your treatment with Invisalign might be like. By the end of the consultation, you should have a good idea of your cost and the length of your treatment.

Contact Us

We Invite You to Visit Putnam Bright Smile Dentistry 

We serve patients from Brewster, Brewster Hill, Carmel, Croton Falls, Peach Lake, Putnam Lake, Mahopac and other parts of Putnam County and we welcome new patients as well. We are easy to find on U.S. Route 6, which runs along the Middle Branch Reservoir. We are a half-mile north of Brewster Square. 


You can call our Brewster location at (845) 406-9834We would be happy to schedule youfor a consultation with our dentists. The sooner you get started on your Invisalign treatment, the sooner you can have a beautiful, perfectly aligned smile to show off. 

For Our New Patients 

Are you a new patient at Putnam Bright Smile Dentistry? Make sure you fill out our new patient forms. Make sure that you print out and complete these forms before your first appointment. This will help us to speed up the new patient registration process. 

New Patient Forms

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